First of all, a big, huge, thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Mojito for kindly tweaking my html code to clean up my columns a bit. They have no idea how much I appreciate that!
Secondly, here are a few pictures of the apple tart that I promised yesterday. Again, I apologize because they aren't the best quality, I'm having some problems with the close-up aspect of my camera.

Yes, there is a slice gone and some apples gone from up top. It was hard keeping Sean and I out of the tart before I remembered to take pictures.
I also got the picture of the dry cleaning place. Enjoy!

One more picture, this is one of my favorites that I took this weekend. I really love our old courthouse and it makes a great photography subject.

I get paid today! Yay! Which means I'm taking myself to Alexandria tomorrow after to work to hit up Hobby Lobby and the mall. Forever 21 and Limited here I come! Sean will be watching the Cubs game tomorrow night so he won't need any entertaining and I can shop to my hearts desire. I thought about going Saturday, but Sean asked if I wanted to go to Shreveport this Saturday so I jumped on that.
Last night I took Boomer on a walk around the golf course on-post and he loved it! I don't walk him as much as I should and he really enjoyed all the new sights, sounds and smells at the golf course. He even let a random lady pet him which is big for Boomer. He normally isn't into people touching him that he doesn't know, but this lady loved him! He doesn't usually walk for long distances and the golf course track is about 2.2 miles so towards the end he jumped up and had me carry him. Thank god that was only for about a quarter of a mile. My little Min-Pin is kind of heavy! It really wore him out though, so by the time we got home he was ready to sleep.
Anyone watch Dancing with the Stars last night? Misty May-Treanor continues to blow me away. I am so suprised that she is as good as she is. Kim Kardashian failed to impress once again and Cloris Leachman just scares me.