I realize the other day that I never blogged about the cruise I took in June. So..for the next few weeks, I'll probably do one post a week summing up the cruise and various ports of call.
Our first stop on the cruise was Dubrovnik, Croatia. Dubrovnik was not what I expected. I know that a large majority of Croatia borders the sea, but for some reason I was expecting it to look more like Slovenia. Not so. In fact, it reminded me somewhat of southern Italy or what I would imagine Spain to look like.
Most of the places we stopped at we didn't a shore excursion. I find them to be overpriced and honestly would rather explore a town without being pushed to buy something at whatever place we stop at on the end of a tour, so in Dubrovnik, my family opted to just explore the Old Town.

I took this from up on the Old City wall that rounds the perimeter of the city. This is the well in the center. I spent a lot of time here after my hike around the walls. The water is delicious and clean.

Close-up of some of the spigots on the well.

I'm honestly not sure what this is. Perhaps an old fort of some kind.

This is what I meant about the scenery being tropical. This is not what I expected Croatia to look like.

Laundry was hanging EVERYWHERE. A popular color seemed to be orange, which was similar to the roof tiles on the homes.

One of the many church towers in the town.

Notice something odd? You'd be correct in guessing that it's dried fish hanging from that line.

I've never seen so many stray cats in my life in one town. They were everywhere! This one actually found a decent place to hang out though.
Overall I liked Dubrovnik. I wouldn't go back,just because I don't feel like there is that much to see there, but I would like to see other places in Croatia.