Yeah..that would be him peeing. I saw him look around and then do it. I stood there for a good minute debating whether or not to get my camera, then finally did and when I came back he was still there! A ha ha ha.
I've had the hiccups off and on since 3:00 today. They are actually to the point now where they are hurting me. I hate hiccups!
Oh and I'm completely obsessed with Spain at the current moment. I'm watching a Rick Steves' DVD on Spain as I type this and you can bet I have like 3 books right now that I'm reading about Spain. I'm not sure where the obsession comes from. France? Sure. Germany? Why not. Spain? Hell yes! I'm hoping to take a trip there before Christmas, but we shall see.
I'm trying to see the positives in Sean being away and I came up with these 2 things.
1. I have the whole bed to myself and so I sleep better.
2. I can wear not so cute undergarments without hearing comments about it.
Told you I was random today.

LMAO! I can't believe he just peed. Ugh Men!
I love having the bed to myself, and wearing my comfy under-roos, instead of my sexy ones!
Thank you for that picture. You just made my afternoon!
Hahaha! Yes, I can imagine the relief at not being bugged about my dislike for thongs. I try to explain that unless he's tried wearing them himself, he can't understand why I refuse to wear them....sorry to put that mental image in your head. :)
yes! when my boyfriend is away i ALWAYS wear comfy undies and i'm never called grandma! it's fantastic! little things, but they'll help get ya through it :)
that picture totally made me laugh out loud!
Haha, reason to never pee in public, you never know who may be watching!
Hahahahaha! You should post that picture at the USO with the caption Have you seen this man???
Ahhahaha! That is a TOO funny comment about your under things because I used to care so much about wearing the cute stuff and now its like, I don't care I'm going to be comfortable because if he is, then so am I!
Gret picture...made my glad I found your blog....Love it!!!
It's so nice to get into bed and not hear, "why are you so DRESSED?!"
I always see people peeing on the streets here. It's insane!
That's hilarious that you took a picture ;)
What an A Hole!
AHH! Ok, after the big wine fest here, we were walking home and saw like a line of 7 guys all peeing on the same damn fence! Disgusting!
We are going to Madrid over Labor Day weekend! I am super pumped. If the hotel is good, I'll give you the name. It's centrally located.
Here's what I want to do in Spain: drink sangria, eat tapas, speak Spanish.
Hahaha, I can't believe he just stood there doing that! Men sometimes.
I love not having to shave my legs as much when one of us is away. Although I must say, I created quite a challenge for myself while he was gone this last time. Some things really do demand upkeep.
I love having the whole bed to myself! Except when my hubby returns every Thurday night it's an adjustment.
Here's to Granny Panties! Lol
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