this close to actually saying this right now.
You've heard my issues with the guy that is filling in as the director right now. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly not like him any more and then he and I had a conversation last night.
Basically last night he told me he had evaulated my performance since he had been here. He told me I was a medicore employee and was also unenthusiastic and unmotiviated. It took all I had not to laugh in his face when he told me that. I mean really? I've worked for ten years and I've NEVER had a boss tell me that. In fact, I've had nothing but glowing references since I started working.
He also brought up the fact again that me getting every Friday and Saturday off was not fair. Really? Not fair to whom? I work the other five days of the week, so how exactly is that not fair? He told me he'd like me to start coming in on the weekends and working and I told him no. I said that might make me a selfish employee, but I'm not coming in to work weekends when my husband is deploying within the year. After he deploys, then we'll talk about rotating weekends, but right now? HELL NO! His response? I'm very disappointed in your choice and your attitude.
Yeah? Well screw you buddy. The USO is about soldiers and their families, so you don't understand why a military spouse wants to continue to work the schedule that she was hired to work and you aren't flexible either? Yeah..way to continue the USO mission.
JackassEvidently the new director is coming September 7th. Unfortunately this guy will be around to train him/her so we are looking at him leaving the first of October. To be honest I'm not sure if I can stomach another month with him.
Right now I'm looking at a couple of different scenarios.
1. Stick it out and see how the new director is. If it's not an improvement and they still aren't flexible then I'll most likely quit working before the year is up.
2. See how they are about letting me off for future things like trips, etc. I want to go home for Christmas for 2 weeks. Anything less is just not economical for the price of a flight. I also plan on taking a week off for the cruise with my parents and then time off for Sean's R&R.
3. Quit around June 1st if they won't work with me on this. Yeah..I know it's a lot of time to ask off for, but I'm more than happy to work extra and even on weekends to make that up.
I know "real" world jobs aren't that flexible and I get that. It just seems ridiculous to me that one boss can be so flexible and great and the other just sucks. There's just no other way to describe it.
I did want to work when I got overseas and that's why I accepted a
part-time position. It was a fun job and I enjoyed it. Now I'm really regretting my decision to be honest. Sure the extra money is good, but I'm not sure it's worth me hating to come to work everyday and that's where I'm at right now.
Edited to add: I just got off the phone with my mother in which I sobbed about how much I hate my job. Evidently my words of "I'm not working Fridays and Saturdays until my husband deploys" has fallen upon deaf ears as he pulled me into his office and told me I'm now working every other weekend. The kicker? When he said, "Deployments or not Melissa you need to do your part." I actually would have quit right then and there if it weren't for the fact that I would like to speak to Sean first before I just up and quit. Oh..and you can bet your button I'm going to try to find a new job ASAP.