Today I went on a short trip with our ODR for a Wine Down Wednesday featuring one of my favorite wines: Prosecco. In case you don't know what Prosecco is, it's basically the Italian version of champagne and it's delish!
We had two different tastings today and I ate more than my share of Italian meats, cheeses (parmesan and asiago) breads and of course wine.
The first vineyard we went to was huge, I can't even explain how much property they had and the cellars on site were enormous. I would venture a guess of hundreds of thousands of bottles of wine, if not close to a million. It was mind-boggling.

This whole long hallway on both sides is full of wine. There were tons of corriders like this.

Some more wine!

Me in front of the villa at the first winery.

The villa. I will miss beautiful places like this once we leave Italy!

This was at a bottega, but a distribution point of the first winery. I was obsessed with the vineyard and took a million pics.

Grapes at the second vineyard. I think the harvest season is pretty much over for the prosecco grapes, but there are a few stragglers about.

I love these flowers, they are such a gorgeous color!

This was part of the set-up at our second tasting. (Which, for the record, was my favorite of the two.)
Overall it was a successful trip. I got to tour two more places in Italy and I came away with 6 more bottles of Presecco for less than 30 euro.