Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Confession

Today has been another dreary sort of day here, luckily not dreary enough to hamper my view of the lovely mountains.

My morning consisted of waking up at 5:30 to the sound of the electric going off and the back-up generators starting up across the street at the health center. Besides a full night of raining, I'm not sure what could have possibly caused the electric to go out. It was back up and running though in a couple of hours.

Sean and I had an early appointment at the housing office this morning for our pre-negoiations. The lady in charge of private rentals called our landlord and nailed down a few extra details. We are set to sign the lease on Monday and will move in next Friday. I am very excited. The only non-exciting part is we don't have our car yet and will be relying on someone from Sean's unit to shuttle us back and forth, but that's already been set-up so I don't feel quite so bad.

I've been reading a lot since I've been here. I just finished a book about the FLDS and Warren Jeffs, written from the perspective of one of the wives who had been in a polygamous marriage and then later escaped with her eight children. It was a very good read. I believe it's called Escape by Carolyn Jessop, if you have time you should check it out. Other than that I've mostly been devouring the travel books that the on-post library has. They have an unbelievable selection and I've been trying to get a feel of what places I want to go see in the near and not so near future.

I also have a slight confession to make. I noticed the other day on one of my posts that a few people commented about me moving here and being brave. Trust me, I don't feel brave at all. The first night we landed, I'm not sure if it was stress/jet lag or a combo of several other things, but I was a wreck. I had been so excited to move here for so long and then when I finally got here I felt overwhelmed. It was a new place, I didn't know the language, I was across the ocean from all my friends and family, etc. To put it mildly I was scared silly. So it means a lot that ya'll are encouraging and actually think that I am brave. So thank you!

For some reason Sean put me in charge of trying to find him some winter PT's...why this is my job I have no idea.



Mrs. Potts said...

You are brave! It is hard to move, let alone so far away & I appreciate you sharing it with us. :)
I've heard about that book, but haven't read it yet. I should probably check it out.

Unknown said...

People tell me all the time, "I don't know how you do it!" or "You are much braver than I am!" Even after 2.5 years of living here. I don't feel brave either. But not for nothing, a lot of wives can't handle it and go to the States at the first sign of trouble. So I guess we have a little something to be proud of.

Lindsay Gray said...

I read Escape last summer. Can you even imagine living her life? Amazing.

Also my dear, you are brave because instead of turning right around and coming back home you put one foot in front of the other and are making the best of it.

In the words of the great John Wayne; Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.

LyndsAU said...

You are very brave girl. To even take that step is so brave!! I don't think I could do it!! You are def inspiring!!
I'm sorry it was a dreary day!! hope it gets better!!

Meg said...

It is absolutely brave. It's terrifying to be somewhere where you know no one and have no idea where you really are. I felt the exact same way the first night I spent in London. I knew no one, and I was somewhere I couldn't pinpoint on a map in a place that was really quite rundown and frightening. But, it's an experience I wouldn't trade for the world and I hope you feel the same way :)

Jenny said...

I think crashing a little is completely normal; after all the stress and the build up and then, like most things, probably parts of Italy don't live up to the dream. But give yourself a little while and get settled in your apartment, and you will surprise yourself at how brave you will be, I'm sure!

Casey (@ Chaos and Cardboard) said...

I liked Escape also! 2 more you might like:
The 19th Wife (awesome!)
Under the Banner of Heaven (lots of info! non-fiction)

And about being brave, just wait until the Italian movers come. Then you will be VERY brave! And very stressed! :)

Erin said...

No matter how much I wanted to be in Italy, I think I would probably have at least a small meltdown. It has got to be overwhelming!

I just ordered that book from Amazon yesterday. I can't wait to read it!

rebecca said...

Lol, I never feel brave either. But I think YOU are! It's so cool that you have the opportunity to live in Italy. :)

I think a civilian life might get boring, but sometimes I get tired of trying to be brave.

Sassy Engineer said...

I think you are super brave, and I know you will feel comfortable and right at home in no time. I hope the move goes smoothly :) Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Barb said...

Your doing great, just think of life as a daily adventure and years from now you will look back on this great experience and have great memories....Barb

Kebi Cedawna said...

I agree, I would be a total wreck if I was in your shoes, but you've really handled every detail for moving throughout the past year very well. You should be proud of yourself. I hope you guys get your internet at home set up soon after moving in, I'm super excited to see some pictures.

Sarah said...

I know exactly how you feel about moving far away from everything you know. I know NO ONE here in North Dakota besides my boyfriend and the closest family I have is in California! Everyone kept saying "You are so brave! Its a once in a lifetime opportunity and you took it! Good job!" blah blah blah...but at the end of the day, your scared and worried about how you are going to survive in a place so foreign to you. But in the end its always ok, because no matter how much it may seem like things could go bad, it always gets better.

Tania said...

It's a very stressful experience, and I think you are handling it very well! I'm not sure how I would do it myself, but you make the most of it! Hope it clears up for you a little. I know how constant gray and drizzle can affect the mood. Keep your head up! And good luck with the move!

Jessica said...

You are SO SO brave! I find it hard to think about moving out of this state. Although part of me realizes it would be a wonderful experience to live overseas for awhile, the idea makes me convulse a little inside.
My own little confession: it makes me feel a little better about myself being scared out of my wits (about hubs joining military) to see that you still get scared silly. Not that I wish that feeling on you by any means.. but it makes me feel somewhat normal. I hope you start to feel more comfortable over there!!

Abbie said...

You are brave! Here I am bitching in my blog about having to sell our house and move into a different place here in town and you moved halfway around the world!! Give yourself some credit:)

Unknown said...

you are seriously SO BRAVE. you could have stayed in the US but you CHOSE to go over and be with your husband! and you're still sane enough to write blog posts! that's incredible!

Jon and Steph said...

We will be in Vienna and hopefully will be able to stop by Salzburg and Hallstatt.

And I think the idea of all of us expats meeting up would be a blast!

How's everything going? Are you getting settled and getting the hang of Italy?

Jon and Steph said...

P.S. I don't feel brave some days either! I'm still getting used to life in another country!
But it's shows how strong you are for moving away to a new country and starting a new life!