I know my last post was kind of a downer, (and thanks to everyone who commented, it made me feel loved to know so many of you out there understand where I am coming from). Anyway, I wanted to focus on the positive aspect of being here in Italy longer than we thought. The most obvious plus in being in Europe longer is more travel. That's honestly my favorite part of living in Italy, although the delish wine and food is a close second.
So, Sean and I have been discussing some places we are wanting to go with our remaining time in Italy. There are also a couple of trips that I plan on taking with some of my friends, as Sean is not interested in going there.
We have a couple of ideas for long trips that we would like to take.
1. A driving tour of southern Spain and parts of Portugal. Since we've already seen Madrid and Barcelona we'd like to hit up Sevilla, Granada, some of the towns along the southern coast of Spain, Salema and Lisbon, Portugal and if time Salmanca or Toledo, Spain.
2. Eastern Europe tour. This one could also be broken down into weekend trips, we haven't decided yet which way we'd like to do this. We'd like to see Krakow, Poland, Prague, Czech Republic, Budapest, Hungary and Kiev, Ukraine.
We have quite a few shorter trips that we'd like to do.
1. Dublin, Ireland. If time we'd love to add other parts of Ireland.
2. Switzerland. I have a friend from college that actually lives in Geneva. I'm thinking about visiting her and possibly seeing a bit more of Switzerland along the way.
3. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia and possibly Zagreb as well.
4. Morocco. This is one trip Sean doesn't want to go on. My friend Sarah and I are tossing around the idea of Marrakech sometime this spring.
5. Istanbul. This is another city that I'm thinking of doing with my friend Sarah.
6. Spa trip to Slovenia.
7. Dolomites. These are so close to us, but yet I've yet to really explore them.
8.Normandy beaches
There are obviously a lot more places that I'd love to see before we leave, but these are the main ones on my list. I've been lucky though that I've marked a lot of places off my To Do list these last three years.
If you've been to any of the places that we are thinking of going and have any tips or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!