Thursday, January 6, 2011

Can Anyone Tell Me Why?

It's no secret that military posts are a hotbed for interesting people watching. I've seen some doozies in my almost 4 years as a military spouse. However, there are some reoccurring sights that I always have to wonder about.

1. What is with people wearing sunglasses when it's dark, when it's raining/cloudy/storming? I saw a guy on the way out of the post office today who was wearing them while it was snowing. SNOWING! I wanted to ask if he was afraid of getting a snowflake in his eye.

2. A common sight at our gym is girls who I'm pretty sure are "dancers" at local clubs hanging out in stilettos, various midriff baring shirts and tight jeans in the gym by whatever piece of gym equipment their boyfriend happens to be on. Umm...I'm just going to say that you look silly standing there on your phone or staring at your boyfriend in the middle of the gym doing nothing. Perhaps you should take a seat? Or allow yourself enough alone time so that your guy can go workout by himself.


Missus Elle said...

I live in Utah and sometimes have to wear sunglasses when it snows because of the glare the snow gives off with the sun....but usually when it snows its cloudy. So it is pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Lol, that is just silly.. I would think the same thing about the girls watching their boyfriends workout. I mean really?! lol..

Amber said...

sunglasses might be a result of PRK eye surgery. After Doc had his done his eyes were so sensitive he had to wear sunglasses all the time. Since lots of military guys get it done I usually assume that's the deal with the glasses.

Sarah said...

Lol! I actually wear sunglasses almost any time I walk out the door - even if it's raining, storming, cloudy or snowy. The glare from the clouds kills my eyes almost as bad as the sun does! I have astigmatism in both of my eyes. I SO know that I look weird wearing them when most people thing it's dark out, but I'll get a headache if I don't wear them! {However, I do NOT wear them at night.}

Lou said...

Hahah the girls at the gym I love when they are just sitting there on there phone at a piece of equipment doing nothing. I just want too yell move!!hahah

Mrs. F said...

Or how about those who wear sunglasses IN the gym...?

Anonymous said...

Hubby has TBI and often wears sunglasses when most people wouldn't even think of it. He recently wore sunglasses when it had snowed because it was bright out and the whiteness of the snow was giving him a headache. Perhaps some of the people around your military installation suffer from TBI and wear sunglasses for this reason.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the girls are trolling for new clients... Might be part of their marketing plan. LOL!

stefanie said...

That reminds of something that I have come across here on Fort Hood. Sorry if I will offend anyone BUT a lot of military spouses have those ACU purses with their husband's rank, unit and picture on it! Why not add his SSN and deployment date as well??!!! Sorry but I judge those types of wives. It's just too much! Be your own person! Don't identify yourself through your husband!

Kelli said...


Battles on the Homefront said...

I have an astigmatism as well and there is something about it that makes any kind of glare, even from rain clouds, painful to my eyes so I wear sunglasses more than most people deem necessary. That one is actually pretty commonly easily explained with a rational reason. As for the girls, they are just silly.

Michelle said...

Why would you go workout with your husband if you aren't going to workout? Ugh, stay home and take a nap, that's what I would do.

Jes said...

I wear sunglasses EVERY DAY! Doesn't matter what the weather is like. My eyes are super sensitive to the sunlight though and I get awful headaches if I don't wear them. People always look at my funny but they're like a part of my body now!

Mom in High Heels said...

I have thin lenses on my eyes and am super sensitive to sunlight, so I almost always wear sunglasses, especially in the snow (the glare, even when it's overcast, kills me). I know it looks crazy, but what are you going to do?

Chelle said...

The sunglasses during snow I can kinda see IF it's sunny out too. But hmm ehhh nevermind it's just as stupid as when they wear them in the clubs.

I personally love the women who are dolled up from head to toe at the commissary too busy on their iphones to pay attention their running my kid down.

JG said...

Yeah, I'm one of those who wears sunglasses like all the time. Not at night, of course, but even on overcast days, the sun seems harsher to me somehow.

Sondre Lyn said...

I have another military oddity... parents YELLING for their kids in the BX/PX/NEX. What's up with that??? Standing in an isle yelling "ANNIE, ANNIE, ANNIE..." What???

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