I just dropped my mom and brother off at the airport about an hour ago and I'm very sad. I sobbed part of the way home, sobbed when I came home to the empty apartment and just writing this makes me sad. Times like this I really, really miss home, my family and my friends. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have my European experience, but I miss home so much today.
The fam and I did have a wonderful time together and they are coming back next year (with my dad, who had to miss this trip) for hopefully another two weeks. One week of which we are supposed to be going on a cruise. Woo-hoo! Cinque Terre was great and I have pics, none of which are uploaded. I'm hoping to get them up on Wednesday. Cinque Terre was beautiful though and I can't wait to go back.
I have an Ebay addict in the house.
Me you ask? Some of you might be surprised to find out it's not me. It's Sean.
Here's the scene yesterday.
I'm in the kitchen trying to make green enchiladas for dinnerSean: Ooohh....how about an autographed picture of Ronald Regan?
Me: Ronald Regan? Why would I want a picture of Ronald Regan in our apartment?
Sean: Oh...they have Clinton too. Awesome!
Me: I'll pass......
Sean: Megan Fox signed picture for $9.00! I have to have that!
Me: Are you sure that's even legit? It could be fake.
Sean: Hm....you might be right. There's a signed Transformer picture of her going for $700.00.
Since he's using my Ebay account, my e-mail inbox is now full of notices of bids, outbids and bid confirmations.
Houston, we have a
addict problem.