If you could meet one famous person dead or alive, who would it be and why?
My answer? Ansel Adams. I would LOVE to be with him when he was taking pictures and see what his whole process was and to talk about how he captured nature so beautifully.
Edited: My answer to this always changes, but right now I'm studying the book of Daniel, and Nebuchadnezzar is such a fascinating person! I would love to have a conversation with him!
Oh yes, me to! Out here in Las Vegas they had a whole walk through/show on him. You got to walk through and look at his actual real prints, photo shoot note, journal, everything! It was amamzing! You would have loved it!
I've answered this questions what seems like a millions times, and always seem to decide on the same answers. For me it'd either be Anne Boleyn or Anne Frank (maybe I have a thing wanting to meet Annes?)
Edited: My answer to this always changes, but right now I'm studying the book of Daniel, and Nebuchadnezzar is such a fascinating person! I would love to have a conversation with him!
Stupid typos
Ansel Adams would be cool to meet. We just went to an exhibit of his that was amazing!
Ronald Reagan...He is one of my personal heroes...
Al Gore, so I could punch him in the face. Just kidding. Kind of.
Oh yes, me to! Out here in Las Vegas they had a whole walk through/show on him. You got to walk through and look at his actual real prints, photo shoot note, journal, everything! It was amamzing! You would have loved it!
Right now...It would be Rachel Zoe...How intelligent and deep am I?!
Bobby Kennedy because I think he was amazing.
Frank Sinatra...it sounds silly but his music is a HUGE part of our family and I'd like to tell him that.
I LOVE Ansel Adams! The photo shoot he did at Manzanar, JUST the photos, made me so interested in the camp!
I've answered this questions what seems like a millions times, and always seem to decide on the same answers. For me it'd either be Anne Boleyn or Anne Frank (maybe I have a thing wanting to meet Annes?)
Hey girl. I changed my blog address... http://unwritten322.blogspot.com/
Wow, this is tough. Maybe Dave Matthews or JFK (I know, totally random). I can't pick just one!
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