As of tomorrow I'll be 35 weeks, almost to the 9 month mark!
- I just had a baby shower at work and although we have a small staff, they were very generous to Baby P and I. I was very excited to get some items off my baby registry. We also had the most delicious cupcakes. Knowing there are such delish cupcakes to be had in Tulsa is a very dangerous thing.
- I'm now seeing my OB once a week. This week she's estimating Baby P to weigh in at 5lbs, 13oz. She reminded me to do keep doing my kick counts, but honestly I don't really do them, because the baby moves constantly. She even has started waking me up at night kicking around. I hope this is something that doesn't continue outside the womb. I'd like her to sleep sometimes.
-Braxton Hicks contractions are increasing. Especially when I'm being really active. I'm careful about it, but I feel like there's too much to do right now to slow down. I'm trying to finish up painting the nightstand and changing table that are going in the nursery.
-Still no stretch marks. Thank God. My mom said she had very few and they were under her belly, so I'm hoping I'm getting her good stretchy skin. I'm still slathering on massive amounts of coconut oil twice a day in the hopes that keeping my skin hydrated will also help.
-This week was my first dilation check. Verdict? I'm not dilated at all. I can't say I was surprised.
-My feet swell pretty much everyday, regardless of how much I sit or stand. It is NOT attractive and besides morning sickness is my least favorite part of pregnancy. I can also no longer wear my wedding ring. This makes me sad. I did however, force it on my finger for my maternity photos. I was not having my beautiful wedding ring not on my finger for important pictures.
-Speaking of maternity pics, we had them taken a couple of weeks ago. Next time around I'll have them taken a few weeks earlier as the week prior to them I started developing a double chin. I've shared a few photos on Instagram and Facebook, but I'll go ahead and share a few of my favorites on here too.