This post has been a long time coming! In my defense, I've hopped back on the fit-train this past couple of weeks and between gym and errand time, I haven't had a lot of extra blogging time. So without further ado, my pictures from Spain!
Tapas menu outside one of the many, delish tapas bars. We seriously ate our weight in tapas while in Seville.
Cute little cafes were all over the city. So were these oranges. As a side note, these oranges aren't really eaten. They are made into cat food, medicine and sent to England to be made into marmalade.
There were gorgeous parks in Seville with lots of trees, tiles and oranges. I loved how beautiful this fountain full of oranges was.
Another shot of one of the parks. Such a beautiful place to relax.
This was some sort of statue down by the river. I'm not sure the significance of it, or what it is even supposed to represent.
This is one of the two main markets in Seville. This one was not as busy as the other, but the outside was very pretty.
This is inside the other market (Triana market) These are all legs of ham. A common sight in Spain.
I love the markets in Spain. We got some fresh (cheap) strawberries that were sooo good.
Waiting on our tapas and sipping some sangria.
When we travel, I'm always on the lookout for cool doors or doorknobs. These did not disappoint!
Seville was full of these close alleyways and back corridors. I loved the asthetics of this one.
Paella! Something you have to try if you go to Spain. Or so everyone says...
More oranges along the walk to the park. I told you these things were everywhere!
The above two pictures are from the flamenco show we attended. It was called Casa de la Memoria de Al-Andalus. It was a smaller, more intimate flamenco show and it was amazing. Totally not what I expected. Sean and I got lucky and got to sit on the first row and the tickets were way cheaper than any other flamenco show in town. I highly recommend it.
This building is VERY photographed and is on one of the main pedestrian streets in Seville. It looked so pretty at night, that I couldn't resist
twenty, a few pictures.
This is the cathedral in Seville. It *apparently* holds the remains of Christopher Columbus and is the third largest church in Europe. Sean and I planned on seeing the cathedral, but were foiled by poor planning. The first we were there we ran out of time, the second day it was closing earlier than normal so we missed out on it then and the third day it was closed for a celebration. Can I just say I was super sad that I didn't get to see Christopher Columbus' bones?
This is one of the inner courtyards of the Real Alcazar. First built by Moors and later added on by later monarchs, it is an amazing sight to see in Seville. It was probably my favorite thing in Seville, as I LOVE Moorish-style architecture. I think it's so beautiful.
Some inner rooms in the Real Alcazar
Tiles inside the Alcazar
One of my favorite parts of the Alcazar were the many peacocks in the gardens. I love peacocks!
This was one of Sean and I's favorite tapas. It's jamon and bread with quail eggs on top. Delish!
This is part of the Plaza de Espana, which was built in 1928 for the Ibero-American exposition of 1929. There are tiles all over the plaza, depicting different cities all over Spain. It is a beautiful, beautiful place.
Another view of Plaza de Espana
Plaza de Espana at night. One of my favorite pics from the whole trip.
This was taken at the fountains at Plaza de America. I beautiful spot that I found on Flickr and knew I had to take some photos there as well.
Fountains at Plaza de America at sunset
Plaza de America. Loving those palm trees!
I have a ton of pictures of Seville, so if you'd like to see more, email me and I'll send you the link to my Facebook album.
And...just as an FYI...some of these pictures are already on my
Etsy shop for sale, so if you see anything you like and want to buy it, let me know!