
Friday, October 30, 2009

New Chapter

So...I did it. I quit.

Thanks for all the advice...and even though I didn't take most of your advice and give two weeks notice, I still appreciate you being honest with me. When I told her I was quitting my boss asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that and then said if I thought it over and wanted to come back then I could have my job back. In no uncertain terms I told her "thanks, but no thanks" It was hard leaving the volunteers and the soldiers. I hate leaving them with basically noone looking out for them, but Sean and I had a discussion last night about it and I'm going to do my best to make sure something happens there for the positive. Whether that means going up the chain and getting the ear of someone important, I'm going to make sure that everthing is righted there whether I work there or not.

In the meantime I'm going to enjoy some of short time I have left with my husband.

Tonight we are making fajitas! I'm craving Mexican food and I think they will turn out great. If only I had some good guacamole. I have a confession though. I make good salsa and I make other good dips, but I cannot make good guacamole to save my life.

What are your Friday/weekend plans?


  1. woo hoo! Congratulations! I can only imagine that you let it get so bad that the idea of spending two more weeks at work was almost unbearable. That's how I was getting with my first professional job.

  2. Congrats on standing up for yourself and quitting, something else will come along...for now, just enjoy your husband time!

  3. Um, suddenly about 40 of your posts showed up in my reader! I thought you had stopped blogging!

    Good for you. It sounds like you had to do it.

  4. *hugs* Sounds like a hard, but well-thought-out decision. You did your best, now just be at peace with your decision. And by all means get lots of QT in with your hubby. :)

  5. Congrats to you! Enjoy your time with your hubby.

  6. Guacamole is easy! My husband loves it and so do his buddies. This is my mom's fail proof recipe (and the best thing is, the amounts don't really matter): Take two ripe avacados (the riper the better) and mash them (I actually use a potato masher to do it). Chop up some cilantro, throw it in. Add a little garlic salt. Add a little lime or lemon juice. Dice up some roma tomaotes (throw the guts away and only keep the hard skinnish part). Mix together and viola - you'll have a very happy hubby on your hands.

    And good job, you stood up for what you believe in and that matters way more than anything else!

  7. Good for you! I'm glad you'll get to spend more time with Sean before he leaves!

    Hope you have a fun weekend!

  8. Good for you! I'm sure you'll be much happier now, without that awful job hanging over your head all the time. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Good good good!! I know this is a weight off of your shoulders and with the worrying about the soldiers aside, you must feel great! No more dealing with that boss of yours and plenty of time to spend with Sean.
    I'm proud of you :)

  10. Congrats! I hope your time with Sean eases your mind further; you really deserve to be 100% happy. Happy Halloween!

  11. Yay! I'm happy to see that you are happy! That's all that matters!

  12. I'm glad you quit. Life is too short to work in a job you hate. Enjoy the time with the husband!

  13. I'm glad you made the right choice for you. And now think of the extra time you'll have for photography!

  14. I think that's great that you did what was right for you. From the blogs that you had done about the situation you seemed just not happy there anymore!

  15. It sounds like a good decision to me, too. Congrats! You have to make the most of this time before he leaves, so I say the heck with 2 weeks as well. You must feel so relieved to be done with it!!

  16. You did what was best for you. Enjoy your quality time with your sweetie before he deploys. My husband and I were newlyweds when he deployed for Iraq for over a year. We are here for you.

  17. yay!! And you have to do whats best for you.. Having gone through it myself I know it was a really hard thing to do!

    I am super excited you are looking at it for the positives!


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