
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Drawing a Blank

I'd like to apologize to everyone for being such a crappy blogger and commenter lately...I just have so much on my mind that I feel as if I don't have any room left to make an interesting and cohesive blog post.

I don't want to blog about what's really on my mind because it's one big negative jumble and I don't think you guys want to hear about my deployment fears or how I hate my job right now.

So...I'll remain silent on those issues.

I don't really want to take a "blog break" either. That's just not my style.

In the meantime I'll say that I'm still working on getting my photography business together. I've found a printer to do my prints for me and hopefully soon I'll be getting together a website and an Etsy shop. Stay tuned for that!


  1. Good luck with your photography!

    Everybody had blogging funks every once in a while. Don't worry about it. I hope your deployment fears are eased, although I know that must be so hard.

    We're here for ya, girl!

  2. I went through this recently. I felt like I had NOTHING positive to say, had so many thoughts running through my head that I couldn't make sense of any of it, and (I have to admit) afraid of being judged. But remember this is your blog and if it helps you sort things out, go for it! Easier said than done I know!

  3. YAY for a photography shop on Etsy! Let me know when it is up, I love your pictures.

    And don't be afraid to voice your fears about the deployment. Sometimes it helps just to get it out.

  4. Hey that's great! And you're an Army wife, girl. Complaining about pending deployments is what we do. Whenever you're comfortable with it...

  5. That's a lot on the brainz. I hope you are finding some sort of outlet for it. I know what you mean about not wanting to be negative, but I have somehow not managed to keep that stuff to myself on my blog.

    If you ever did feel like letting it out I'm certain no body would mind. Well, and who cares if they do this is your spot.

    Make sure to share when you have your shop set up!

  6. Who are you having do your prints?

  7. Don't worry, no matter what you have to say, negative or positive, we still love to read! I think we all get blogging brain farts now and again.

    Sending you lots of hugs:)

  8. Blogging slumps aren't so bad. As long as something rough doesn't happen to break you out of it. I had one, but the whole drama with P broke me out. Thankfully we worked it out.

    Sometimes it helps to blog it out and save as draft. That way the thoughts are out but you don't have to share with us!

    Good luck with the photography! I can't wait to see what you come out with, and hopefully buy a few prints!

  9. Good luck with the photography girl! I look forward to seeing your shots ;)

  10. Big hug lady! I hope your fears are soothes and your job gets less sucky. I always enjoy hearing what you have to say :)

    Can't wait to see your Etsy shop!

  11. Well that's exciting that you're getting an Etsy shop together!

  12. Let's see. I think you should complain all you want to. Its your blog. Its our choice if we want to read. Pretty sure I didn't write a positive post for a month ... I bitched about school, deployments, weather, everything. And you know what, it made me feel better! Not saying you have to, just saying I'd still read! :)


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