
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I've Never...

- Used a sauna until today
- Gotten a pedicure
- been to a Broadway play
- been to Spain (ha ha, had to put that in)
- had any sort of surgery
- seen Titanic all the way through
- bought a really good expensive pair of shoes (a fact I plan to remedy soon)
- been able to see the appeal of playing golf

What are some things you've never done?


  1. I have never been to the beach! Sad??? Yes I know... going to remedy that fact in a few weeks hopefully!

  2. I know totally crazy right? I also have never owned a pair of expensively delicous shoes... but as soon as I land my first college graduate job I am buying the matching coach purse with the coach shoes combo HAHA!

  3. GIRL! Never had a pedicure? I'll take the next train down and fix that ASAP. Seriously, we need to get that taken care of!

  4. I've never watched American Idol!

  5. I've never been to Spain either! And I'm with you on the golf thing. Everything else, I think I have done!

  6. let's see, I've never...been able to get through the book Harry Potter (I think the movies are way better). (P.S. Seriously..go get a pedicure!)

  7. Fun! I've never been to Spain either...sad.

    And you've never gotten a pedicure! You need to remedy that ASAP!

  8. I've never seen Goonies. Ryan think I was neglected as a child!

  9. "Well I've never been to Heaven....but I've been to Oklahoma..." ;)

    No really, I've never lived anywhere but South OKC. And I love it.

  10. I've never been to Disney World. I've never been to a concert. Ugh. I'm boring! HA! :D And no pedi? I think you win! HA!

  11. I hadn't had a pedi up until about 3 years ago.

    This is a tough one, I can't think of a "never" that is unusual... whole lotta things I've never done but nothing that would be unusual.

    Never lived outside the state of Washington? Big deal.

  12. OK, you've never seen Titanic all the way through??? You must rent it soon.

    I've never watched a full episode of The Simpsons (but I love Family Guy)!

  13. ack!! No pedi!!! I have to go every two weeks!

  14. I have never:
    had a professional massage
    bought designer jeans
    mowed a lawn
    bought furniture (i can't wait to change this)
    understood golf
    been to mexico

    I have had many pedicures and I highly recommend them. Nothing makes you feel prettier or sexier than having gorgeous feet!

  15. Do not perpetuate the "women hate golf" stereotype! That is why I can never find other women to play with me!

    If we are ever stationed near one another, promise that you will come to the golf course with me and give it a try. It's like taking a walk, and every so often you hit a little white ball. My favorite golfing partner is my mom, actually. :)

    My first pedi was when I was in my mid-twenties, so you're just a late bloomer like me on that one. :-p

  16. pedicures=happiness! It took me a few times to get over the germ thing but now I love them.

    I have never read or seen Twilight.

  17. But you've been to Oklahoma!!!! :)

    Hmm ... what have I never done?

    I've never floated the Illinois River or waterskiied or stayed for an ENTIRE OU football game without leaving the stadium.

  18. This was cute!

    I have never had a pedicure either! And I've never broken a bone. I have also never read or seen any of the Harry Potters.

  19. I've never left the United States! And my entire life I've lived in states that boarder other countries. How sad is that?!

  20. i've never been to Chuckie Cheese!!

  21. I've never had a pedicure.
    I've never had a child.
    I've never been out of this continent (technically, Panama, but I mean Europe, etc).
    I've never been on a cruise.
    I've never bought shoes over $40 for myself.

    :D Fun idea!


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