Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm currently typing this from the comfort of my own home. Am I sick? No. I just have today off as a paid holiday. Shocked? So was I! I'm not one to argue about paid holidays though. I'm just enjoying the free day.

Not too much on the agenda today.

- take Sean to go vote after lunch
- drop extremely overdue library books off, pay for library book that Boomer tore up
- stop by the commissary to get a few things to make for soups
- stop by the PX for random items like cards and that Yankee Christmas Wreath candle I really want.
- take long overdue pictures of my new do

Sean's briefing at Transportation went well yesterday. We, of course have more paperwork to look over and we actually have set days when they will be coming to pick up our stuff. December 8,9, and 10th for all the separate shipments. Thankfully, Sean will be taking care of that as I will still be working. I was pleased to find out though that since our washer and dryer have to be put in storage here that I can also put some other stuff with it. I don't think I'm going to take all my books with me to Europe. My Danielle Steel collection can definitely stay here as well as some text books I kept from my college days. The more important books, like my Nancy Drew collection, will of course be packed and sent.

I've been tagged by two ladies for a random list of things about myself and I PROMISE I'll get to that sometime today. I think I'll post the pics of my hair with that post, so look for it at a later time today.

So....I have a confession to make. I've already been making Christmas ringtones for my phone. Yes, I know it's not even Thanksgiving, but I thought I'd get a head start on it. I've already made about 8 and I'm sure I'll add a few more before I'm satisfied. I told Sean his ringtone was going to be the theme from The Grinch. Muah ha ha.

Anybody here drink Kefir? I've been wanting to start drinking it, as it helps improve your digestive tract, kind of similar to yogurt. I've been looking for it at the commissary and local stores, but haven't found it anywhere! Finally on our last trip to the commissary I noticed they were now stocking it. It's so good! I got the pomegranate flavor and I'm really enjoying it. It tastes like fruit smoothie with a yogurt twist. I highly recommend it!

I'm currently coming up with a meal plan for Thanksgiving. It looks like we are indeed still going to be hosting Thanksgiving dinner for around 15 people if not more and so I'm trying to decide what I'm going to be making and what others have said they'll make. I'm also trying to gauge how much food will feed that many people! I'm pretty sure we'll have turkey, stuffing, rolls, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, potato casserole (yes I love potatoes)hot corn casserole,green bean casserole, corn, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and banana split cake. I'm thinking about a couple of appetizers too like spinach dip and something else. Anything else basic I'm forgetting that should be on there? I don't think I'm doing the turkey or the stuffing and the casseroles won't be hard at all since they can be pre-made the night before and then just baked that day. I've never hosted my own Thanksgiving, so it's going to be an experience for sure! I will miss having Thanksgiving with my family though, but at least I get to see them for Christmas.

Time for me to fold some laundry. Have a wonderful Election Day!


Anonymous said...

Have a great day off!

Lindsey said...

Yayaya love Kefir!!! So healthy!!!

Ashley said...

My friend has a recipe for a cake called "Tasty Tacky Pumpkin Cake" and she says it's phenomenal - leave me your email address and I'll send it to you!

Jenny said...

I loved Nancy Drew! Did you ever read any of the Nurse Cherry books? They were published about the same time and are simply beautiful. I joke that I have a "running tab" at the library for my late fees, I just pay it down from time to time...I also own a former library book that my dog partially ate.

Sondre Lyn said...

Good for you for voting!

I haven't heard of Kefir. I will have to look for it. What section is it in the commissary? (sondrelyn@hotmail.com)

Yum on the Thanksgiving dinner! Can I come?! :D

Megan said...

I love that you are already in the Holiday spirit too!! I would be scared to host Thanksgiving, but good luck!! ;)

Battles on the Homefront said...

Sorry just an FYI that I didn't know. If you already know about it just ignore me. Make sure you save your storage receipts. You can be reimbursed for them as part of your travel.

Katie said...

Yay for a day off- I wish! I do have Veterans day to look forward to though!

I also tagged you in that random fact thing!