
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

38 Week Update

Just some updates on what's been going on with me, since I seem to be terrible about keeping up with these. I know I've mentioned this before, but I'm counting myself at 38 weeks, even though my doctor has me at 39 weeks as of today. My due date is June 11th, next Wednesday (EEK!)

I'll admit it, I had a mini-meltdown in the work bathroom today when I realized I'm this close to having a child. It's not that I'm not excited to be a mom or to see my daughter, but as a first-time mom, I am completely freaking out about the fact that I'm about to be responsible for a tiny human for the rest of her life. It's a big responsibility and when I think about it, it blows my mind and terrifies me at the same time.

These last few weeks have crazy busy. I'm still working full-time and will up until I give birth. I'm not wasting valuable vacation days when I have no idea if she'll be here on-time or late. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long to wrap stuff up in her nursery, because now I'm in a nesting frenzy trying to get things done. Everything big that needs to be done for the nursery has been completed. Really the only thing I need to do now is to hang the artwork in the nursery and buy some baskets and storage items for the closet.

I've had a few incidents that have landed me in L&D for monitoring in the last few weeks. The first time my blood pressure was high at one of my weekly appointments, which it always is at the doctor's office. When I check it at home it's never over 115 and usually is in the 97-110 range for the top number. However, my doctor didn't want to take any chances and even mentioned bed rest if it didn't improve when I was monitored. So...I spent about four or five hours at L&D where they put some fetal monitors on me, monitored my blood pressure, did blood work and various other things. My blood pressure was perfect there and Baby P looked fabulous so I got to go home.  Then last week I was rear-ended in a construction zone on the way to work, so my doctor insisted I go back to L&D to make sure everything was fine. I knew it was, we were traveling at a low rate of speed, I didn't get knocked around and there was only a scratch on my car from where I was hit, so I wasn't that concerned. I went in to be checked out like she had asked and they again monitored both Baby P and I, did more bloodwork (ACK!) and sent me down for an ultrasound, which I actually appreciated, since I got to spend more than just a few minutes looking at Baby P. The ultrasound tech showed me that she could see Baby P's hair (can I tell you how cute it looked floating off the back of her head?!) and then estimated her weight to be higher than what my doctor was telling me. As of last week she had her at 7lbs, 5oz, so I guess we'll see how accurate that is when she's born. Again, we were both fine and I really don't want to go back to L&D until it's time for her to be born!

Still no stretch marks (holler!) although the swollen feet and ankles still make an appearance every single day and pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome sucks. I'm tired of tingling hands and a middle finger that is numb throughout the day. I feel huge, although I don't think I'm that big, but body parts that weren't hurting before, do now and don't even get me started on weekly dilation checks.

My baby shower was a couple of weeks ago and it was AMAZING. My good friend Kebi hosted it and she threw me a travel themed baby shower, since Vivi's nursery is travel themed. It was amazing and I loved it. I'll have to do photos of the shower in another post, since my computer is taking forever to load them.

Currently I'm just trying to tie up loose ends like packing my hospital bag (yeah I'm a procrastinator) and buying things off my registry that I didn't get at either baby shower.

I can't believe it's almost time for Baby P to make her appearance!


  1. Ekk! It's getting so close now. How exciting!

  2. I can't believe your so close! It feels like you just announced your pregnancy yesterday! And it's especially crazy thinking that if your about to have a baby, my time is just around the corner.

    And I completely get what you mean about being responsible for a little person. I don't feel like a "grown-up" most days so it's crazy to think I'm supposed to be the one making all these important decision!


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