
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Month- Instagram Style

I looked at the ol' blog the other day to check the last time I wrote a blog and it's been almost a month. How this is possible, I don't know.

This month has been somewhat hectic with us getting our household goods, our car, impromptu trips to Dallas and Wichita Falls to pick up our car and for doctor's appointments. As well as me hitting up Goodwill one a week to find bargains (oh how I've missed Goodwill) working on my Etsy shop, planning a blog redesign and just trying to keep in touch with people. Obviously keeping up with my blog has not happened, although I've had good intentions. catch you up in a fun way (with pictures!) I'm going to post some of my Instagram pics from the past month. 

Went to an Oklahoma State football game with my bestie. It's been six years since I've been to a football game at my Alma mater and I was beyond excited. Plus my friend's parents generously let me use one of their club level tickets which made me feel like a total VIP. We're talking free buffet and all the candy/pop/ice cream/chips you want. Ah-mazing!


I ate vegetarian for part of the month, so I got to try out a ton of new recipes. I'll have to share those with you guys in a future post, but here are a couple of my concoctions.

Speaking of food, Sean and I have been lucky enough to eat some delish food since we've been back in the States. Two of our favorites have been Avila's in Dallas and Opa's Schnitzel Haus in Wichita Falls.

We got our household goods. Our Italian packers SUCK. They didn't break anything per say, but they were very shady and packed stuff one way in front of us, then when our things got here, it was in completely different places. Like the DVD's that were packed in a box, somehow wound up in a suitcase. And some of my Barbie boxes were bent and smashed when I told them NOT to repack the box they were in. Instead they decided to put heavy kitchen stuff on top of it.

I bought a new (to me) camera. Finally upgraded to a full frame. It's a 5D, but the classic. Not the Mark II.

I've also got a new business card to go along with my Etsy shop. It's designed by Fran over at FreeBorboleta Designs. She did a complete redesign of my Etsy shop, my business card and I'm also having her redesign my blog and business Facebook page. She's great to work with and I highly recommend her. This is the back of my business card, the front obviously has some info I don't want to be shared with the whole world wide web.

That's the majority of what I've been up to. How about you guys? Anything noteworthy happened in your world this past month?


  1. Sounds like you've been a busy girl! :)

  2. Looks like you have definitely been busy! My sweet girl and I are back in Lawton indefinitely. Let me know if I can ever do anything for you! :)

  3. Glad to see you're back! Good luck getting settled.

    Be sure to check out my blog, I'm hosting a giveaway right now!

  4. Love the look of your business card!!! UGH that also sucks about your packers. I'll be sure to have someone else in the house watching them pack our stuff, too.


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