
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Deployment Blues

This past week has had a lot of ups and downs for me. I'd say it's probably the worst week I've had since Sean deployed.

Mainly I just feel that even though I try to stay busy that the days are all starting to feel like the same. Kind of a never-ending Groundhog Day and that bugs me. I'm hoping with summer coming and some travel opportunities in the future that will shake things up a little bit.

I also had a lot of nightmares this past week. Everything from tornadoes to me getting stalked and murdered. It's been bad and on Thursday night I seriously only got about 3 hours of sleep. I think I'm going to have to go back to taking sleeping pills some nights, even though I tried to break that habit the last few weeks.

There's some other things going on that I won't get into, but it's not been a good week. I'm hoping this next week will be better.


  1. Deployments suck. :( I hope you find something new to distract you. You're doing great, I promise!

  2. I am so sorry to hear this, I hope things get better for you, I know exhaustion doesn't help with any deployment blues. One day this will all be a memory so just keep your head up and stay strong, you have been doing great so far.

  3. awww I'm sorry girl! keep your head up and focus on the good things... this too shall pass... one more day down... That's what helped me. If you need anything let me know.

  4. I'm sorry, girl! I know it's hard. I dealt with the whole groundhog day feeling too. I know that was Scott's biggest complaint and I felt bad saying I felt the same way, but honestly I did. I worked, would be so tired by the time I came home that I'd just eat dinner, watch a little TV, talk to Scott, then go to bed. Get up and repeat. I hope that you are able to have a lot more little excursions once the weather warms up a little. Hang in there!

  5. I'm so sorry :( I hope that next week gets better for you!

  6. We really would be BFF's! :)

    I don't want you to think that I'm comparing being unemployed to having a deployed hubby, but I feel ya on the groundhogs day. It’s the same thing for me every single day, and that’s why you and I are being addicted to the gym because it gives us something to do.

    I caved and bought some stuff to do more arts and crafts, at least it breaks up me week a little. It seems to help a little.
    Also I have been having nightmares too! Yucky. I don’t know if you can get it overseas but look into picking up some Melatonin. It’s a natural sleep aid and really helps me after I have the nightmares, be able to go back to sleep.

  7. ((hugs)) Try to break up the groundhog day cycle with a pedicure or a girls night with friends.

    I always sat down and wrote a long venting letter to my husband on really bad days. I felt better getting it all out and he knew by the time he received the letter the issues were probably solved... but he knew about them... and he shared in it... so I didn't feel like I was alone.

    Deployments are tough.
    Pedicures aren't that expensive.
    That's why we get combat pay right?
    (just kidding)

    ps Stay away from the news... and people who always talk about news...

  8. I'm sorry you're having such a rough week. Those just suck. Do you like chocolate? Go get you some and eat all you want! That usually made me feel temporarily better. That and mountain dew.

    I really hope those bad dreams go away too. Those can ruin the whole night!

  9. I hear you! I've been having days like that lately too, along with some really disturbing dreams. It really is like Groundhogs Day, same s**t, different day.

    I've shaken off most of my funk this week, but I can see it happening again. Feel free to send me an email if you want to talk!

  10. =[ Sounds like you've had a shitty week. I hope things get better for you soon- keep your head up and go find something to do!

  11. I am so sorry you had a bad week. You're really doing great and sometimes our subconscious can get the better of us by throwing whacked out dreams into the mix.

  12. I'm sorry to hear you've had a bad week. I know exactly what you mean about the Groundhog Day feeling.. It's not fun. Try to hang in there. Hope next week is better for you!

  13. :( I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I hope things turn around soon for you.

  14. I had the craziest stalking dream earlier this week too!

  15. Hope your weekend perks up and that you have a better week!

  16. I'm sorry, girl. You know I wasn't always in a good place. I know it sucks, but it's also normal. Ever considered a body pillow so you have something to hug and take up space in the night? It's not a perfect substitution but it might help.

  17. I really hope things start getting better with the new week approaching.


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