
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Awesomely Bad Etsy Finds: Volume Four

I haven't done one of these posts in months, so I thought it was high time that I showed you what was out there in the land of Etsy.

Let's get started shall we?

Is your toilet looking a little drab? No worries! Affix one of these tank diver stickers to your toilet and never worry about how plain it looks again! Their motto? Trick Out Your Toilet!

Have a potluck to go to? Embarrassed of your Crock-Pot? I've got something that will help with that. Introducing the Crock Frock! Never have a dull dish again with this little number.

Are you a fan of fruit? Do you like to take fruit with you and not worry about bruising? Well if that describes you then check out this apple cozy!

Got a little bad juju in your life? Turn that around with this voodoo shrine!

Does that time of the month have you down? Brighten it up with one of these fun fabric maxi pads! (No, I am NOT joking)


  1. The fabric maxi pad is just downright disgusting....why?? why?? why?? I guess everyone's gotta make a buck....errrr :s

  2. Those maxi pads are like cloth diapers for women! I suppose if you're a very organic person or are trying to save a buck, they're not totally a bad idea...but definately NOT for me!

  3. PS-- I think the apple cozy is kind of cute. Wouldn't pay for one, but my lunches do get a bit "beat up" in the lounge fridge at work... Good project for a brownie troop!

  4. It amazes me how many shops on etsy sell those reusable maxi bizarre.

    Have you ever seen ? It's chock FULL of the worst of the worst :)

  5. It's amazing what people actually come up with and actually want to sell and even sell. Some people need to get a life. :)

  6. Some of the crap I find on etsy makes me laugh hysterically, and other things leave me asking "someone is actually buying this crap!?"

  7. Truly awesomely bad! And whoever wears cloth maxi pads, well, all I can say is that person is truly dedicated to saving Planet Earth!

  8. Crock Frock? Now that is just plain wrong. Please send this thing back to the 80's please. And the fabric maxi pad, well you can wash your babies cloth diapers and yours at the same time!
    Some people.I mean really.

  9. Huh? Wow.

    The tank diver kind of cracks me up, but the rest of them just leave me wondering.

  10. WOW!!! I think out of all of those the maxi pad is the worst!

  11. WOW. The fabric maxi pad is disgusting! I think the tank diver is kinda cool though.. lol

  12. Cloth pads. Wow. Frankly, cloth diapers gross me out enough. I don't care how eco-friendly it is. You're supposed to DISPOSE of it!! Same goes for pads. *shudder*

  13. Yay! I lvoe the Bad Etsy posts. I still giggle about the reproductive organ pillows.

  14. oh goodness! :D
    I've seen some of those... I've hated the maxi pad from day 1. When I first found Etsy.
    But the toilet? That's just hilarious!

  15. Okay I got a chuckle out of the first ones but the FABRIC maxi almost make me up chuck... that is just plain aweful!

  16. Wow. Just wow. I wanna know who buys that crap!

  17. Have you stumbled across yet? It's right up your alley. I can't do the cloth pads, but I see their value and the I'm all for the fruit cozy. It keeps it from bruising :P

  18. I did a post about reusable maxi pads and how gross they were and several people who found the post and got their panties in a twist about it. {pun intended} I hope you avoid the same fate : )

    I'm not gonna lie, the apple thing is kinda cute, totally impractical but cute. and the maxi pad. EW

  19. I LOVE the crock frock idea. That's so cute.

    I know to a lot of people that "mama cloth" is nasty and disgusting, but while I won't do it, I can completely understand the benefits of doing it. Then again I cloth diaper our little one and people tend to tell me that's nasty too. lol Anyways they are SUPER soft and can come in awesome fabric prints.

  20. I can imagine 16 year old girls having a field day over those colorful pads!


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