
Monday, April 20, 2009

I Need Names! you readers know when I need an opinion or suggestions I come to you girls.

So here's the situation today.

I have been asked to be a featured blogger on, which I'm pretty pumped about considering I'll be joining awesome bloggers like Mrs.Newlywed, who also is a featured blogger there.

Anyway, before I start blogging over there (don't worry I'll still be blogging on this site all the time) I need a name.

I don't want to use New Girl on Post, so I'm trying to come up with something else.

So far I've come up with Mrs.Military and that's it. I'm having some sort of brain block for cute or witty names.

That's where you guys come in. I'd love to hear your suggestions and please throw out as many names as possible!

In other tech-related news, I've decided to board the Twitter bandwagon. I'm going to give it awhile and if I don't like it I might stop, but in the meantime you can find me at newgirlonpost on there.

I think all my blogging has rubbed off on Sean. He called me this morning and said he wants to start blogging. That he had lots of things that he wants to talk about and thinks blogging might be the answer. Honestly if you knew Sean's life he could probably write a book. He's been through a lot in his life, more than his share.


  1. That is so neat. How fun to be a part of something like that.

    About names, well my creative juices are not flowing today. Good luck!

  2. when I was thinking about my name I went to thesauras and thought of words that I liked the meaning of. Just an idea :-)

  3. Congrats on the writing opportunity!

    I can't think of any good names at the moment, but if I do, I'll let you know!

  4. How exciting! Congratulations!! I'll think about the name for a bit, knowing my lack of creativity though I wouldn't hold my breath.

  5. Soldier's Sweetheart

    Ok that's all I've got for now. Naming things isnt my thing. Jagger, for example.

  6. Mrs. Military isn't bad, but it's very common? Haha. Maybe Mrs. WhateverjobSeanhasinthearmy. But, like you, I have no real suggestions! Sorry :( Congrats though!

  7. I really like New Girl on Post, I think it's very fitting! Although one day, you won't be the new girl anymore...

  8. congrats on being a featured blogger, that is so much fun! i am no help with another name right now=) i like new girl on post too...hmmm, i'll come back if i think of anything=)

  9. Guest blogger, cool! I think Mrs.Military sounds good.

    Just stumbled upon your blog and thought I'd say "hey". I was reading earlier posts and I think our husbands may be in the same battalion. Good luck with the name, looking forward to reading your posts!

  10. Yeaaa! Congrats!! I'll be thinking of name suggestions for ya!

    And yippeeeee for Twitter! I'll come find ya...

    As for the hubs blogging...just be careful. My hubby had a boss who found his blog, and just because he happened to mention some of his beliefs about our constitution, they tried to kick him out of the military. FOR REAL. So tell him to just be careful. There are the crazy bosses who watch closer than you think... And it is so true that the military doesn't want our guys to have opinions. As long as they wear a uniform, they don't have the right to them. Nice huh?

  11. I love Sara's suggestion, Soldier's Sweetheart.

  12. How cool, congrats!!

    I like Mrs. Military!!

  13. Congrats on being a contributor to another blog!

    I'm always harassing my father about starting a blog. He has the best stories in the world and is also a poet.

    Twitter is fun, especially reading some of the celeb posts. It is also interesting to see the stuff post, like videos and news links. Found so many funny sites because of it.

  14. Ahh, I just joined the Twitter bandwagon last week :) I'll add you.

  15. You could use something like Married On Post? Or Marriage On Post? I don't know, I'm TERRIBLE at these things!

  16. I'd read Sean's blog, that would be cool if he started one too.

  17. I missed the suggestion bandwagon, but keep us posted if Sean starts bloggin!

  18. Aw that's such a great opportunity! As for names go..I'm horrible at that...I can't think of anything..I'm racking my brain...

  19. Oh that's awesome! I've found that a couple blogs I read have been asked to blog for them. NOW I know why you asked for names!(this is what happens when you fall behind on your reader and you go backwards. lol)


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