
Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane....

Well ladies, it's time for me to say goodbye for a bit while we are in transit to Italy.

I'm hoping after I get over my jet-lag that I can hop down to the computer room that our hotel supposedly has and update on how things are going.

I've got a dozen things running through my mind right now, most of them are worries.

Will we get our car shipped? Will everything go well with Boomer on the plane? Will I make it in one piece to Italy? (As most of you know I'm terrified of flying)

I'd appreciate any prayers and well wishes you can spare that everything goes as planned.

Tomorrow we are heading out early to get some stuff done between here and Dallas. We are going to give it one last effort at the Oklahoma Tax Commission to see if there is anyway us being there in person can help us get our title. We shall see!

At any rate, I hope to be back on here blogging and reading all of your adventures soon.



  1. I hope that everything goes well! I will be praying that you have a safe trip :) Hurry back soon!

  2. How exciting! I am molto jealous! :) I think that's Italian anyway...have a great trip!

  3. Happy traveling! Boomer will be fine! I'll be thinking about you!

  4. Good luck with the big move! Can't wait to hear all about it:)

  5. Can't wait to here how everything went; I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts.

  6. Have a safe trip! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  7. Good luck and here's to a safe trip!!

  8. Good luck! I'll be praying things work out!

  9. Good luck with everything. Enjoy your last few days in the states! Make sure you go to Target just to smell the smells :)

    Email me when you get in our time zone. I would love to help anyway I can!

    PS- We should meet up in Venice Valentine's weekend!

  10. good luck with everything!! You'll flight will be fine I'm sure. Hopefully you'll sleep most of the way.
    I look forward to keeping up with you while you over there and sharing in your adventure!

  11. Got you, Sean and Boomer in my thoughts and prayers for the next few days.

    Good luck and safe travels!

  12. Praying all goes well! I'll miss you!

  13. I pray that you have a safe flight :) I can say I have never been on a plane, but I dread the day when it comes!! Look forward to hearing from your blog from Italy!

  14. Look at it this way:

    You are going to ITALY. :D No worries! ;)

    Hope everything goes well!

  15. Aww Good Luck!! Try to relax! This is an adventure of a lifetime! (Can't wait for Italy pics!)

  16. I've already been thinking about you three all day and praying that everything is stress-free!
    I already miss you so much and I'm so extremely excited for all the experiences and memories you'll get to make.
    Don't stress, as always, it will all work out!
    With Love,

  17. Good luck with everything! Praying for you!

  18. I hope you have a smooth and safe trip!

  19. I can't wait to hear about your adventures!!!! I hope the flight is uneventful for you and for Boomer (that is what would worry me the most). Take pictures!

  20. Praying for a safe trip and a happy Boomer! Can't wait to read about your adventures in Italy!

  21. Unless they're already over, may your travels travels be safe! And may your stuff arrive without troubles, too. :)

  22. Hey! I wonder where you are right now ;) I've been browsing various blogs that post their daily wear and found a post and thought of you. I remember you asking about how to do a "hair bump" so here's a link for ya

    I'm going to try it myself because I have such a hard time doing it my way!

  23. I hope that everything goes smoothly for ya'll.
    I cannot wait to hear all about your Italian adventures!!!

  24. Saying a prayer right now! Keep us all posted when you can!

  25. I'm sure you're probably super busy, but I tagged you in a survey, if you'd like to join in the "rules" are on my blog! Hope you had a safe trip!

  26. Hey I take it youre in vicenza already! if you would like stop by the USO and say hi! I work all weekend long! It would be great to meet you and give you a little insider info on post!

  27. Can't wait to hear from you! I'm excited to hear all about the trip and how it goes settling in.


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