
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Husband Wouldn't Be Caught Dead In This I know I already posted once today, read my post below if you want to read weird gym experiences I've had recently.

However, I was looking through the Lily Pulitzer catalogue and ran across this:

It won't let me post a please follow this link

Note the pants, yes I do mean the clownesque pants.

So I do like Lily Pulitzer stuff, but seriously, what man would wear this? I mean come on! My husband would rather go naked then wear pants of that coloring.

I just can't help but laugh!


  1. oh my goodness. Mark would never wear that. She's insane. But now I have to look through the online store. It looks cute.

  2. Oh, man. Your right that is crazy. I don't see anyone wearing that..


  3. My husband would say take it back now. There is no way in hell he would wear that. Much love and thanks for stopping by today.

  4. I thought someone photo-shopped those in the picture until I clicked on them and realized not only are they real, they are $195! What?!!!!!???

    My hubby would first ask if I was wearing my contacts. Then I would probably hear a slew of expletives and colorful adjectives regarding these "interesting" pants.

    Only the hottest, sexiest gay man could pull this off- and still with many, many questionable stares.

  5. OMG! Are they for real? No person (in their right mind) would wear those in a serious fashion. For clown school...maybe?

  6. oh how embarassing. Flyboy has a pair of those. you know what with being a trend setter and all I had to get them for him.

    LOL can you imagine a marine wearing those!?

    But I do think I have a christmas idea now.... ; )

  7. Seriously, what is that designer thinking? Wow!

  8. I haven't heard any news from my FRG. Is Ft. Polk supposed to be affected by Ike at all? I think he's going to curve towards N. LA after wreaking havoc here in Houston.

  9. Ur, not only that, but I wouldn't be caught dead in public with my husband if he were wearing that!!! :) What on earth were they thinking?!?!

  10. Hey what's wrong with those? My husband has these! :)

  11. Please tell me that's photoshopped!
    They're hideous!


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